Benefits of Tamarind for Diet and Health

Just for Fun - Tamarind has a Latin name, Tamarindus indica L. It is widely used in various cuisines, mainly functions as a kitchen spice. Besides that it is also useful in making the taste of the food become acidic.

Tamarind is included in the type of pods. It has a hard rod and can be large. The tamarind flower color is reddish yellow. While the color of the fruit or the seeds are brown. For its distinctive taste, namely acid.

Benefits of Tamarind for Diet

The content of tamarind is various in its properties. The ingredients are citric acid, sour wine, succinic acid, pectin and invert sugar. Inside the seed coat there is also an albuminoid and starch content. And tamarind leaves contained flavonoids, saponins, and canines.

Tamarind is already known for its benefits. Tamarind is also included in herbal plants. Therefore, tamarind is able to cure various diseases. These diseases include treatment of fever, lowering high blood cholesterol levels, rheumatism, thrush, jaundice, intestinal worms, insomnia, ulcers, sores and sores.

Tamarind is also beneficial for your beauty. This is because it can also remove blemishes on the skin. So the skin can appear cleaner and white.

But those of you who have sensitive skin should not use tamarind to whiten the skin. Instead, to use tamarind to whiten facial skin, before you have checked your skin is sensitive or not. How to check it is by applying tamarind collision to the back of the ear. If allergic, don't use this tamarind.

Tamarind also has natural ingredients that can lose weight. So, tamarind is also useful for diet programs.

To get the benefits of tamarind for diet, namely by making this Java-based drink.

If you want a richer taste, you can combine tamarind with turmeric. First, both ingredients are boiled. with water. Wait until it boils. If you have, strain the boiled water. Next you want to drink when warm or cold according to our taste.

In addition to good for the diet, the other benefits of tamarind are still many. Among them are digestive health to be awake, can dissolve food quickly, increase bile work, treat chronic constipation, and chronic diarrhea.

Tamarind is able to help maintain heart health. This is proven effective for suppressing bad cholesterol levels and is able to reduce blood pressure. The content of vitamin C in it is useful as an anti-oxidant. So that it can counteract free radical attacks. Free radicals can make heart attacks.

Read also: Benefits of Betel Leaves for Chicken

By consuming natural foods from nature, we can prevent various diseases. Reduce junk food and instant food. Hopefully articles about the benefits of Tamarind for diet can increase your knowledge.



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